The Zan Ganassa Great Parade


Teatro del Drago


Suddenly, in the streets of the city, a handful of wandering, light-hearted and noisy comedians appear, the company of Zan Ganassa. The cheerful procession follows the walking puppet theater wagon punctuated by the rhythm of the diatonic accordion.The characters are seven, Doctor Balanzone, Pantalon dè Bisognosi, Bella Colombina and that poor fellow of Arlechin Batocio, and again, Death, the Devil, Pulcinella … and finally, the unfortunate Captain Fracassa. A festive traveling parade with an ancient flavor, a tribute to the masks of the Commedia dell’Arte, will project the public into the atmosphere of a popular theater of the past. The parade has a duration of 1 hour and 30, with the possibility of being divided into 2/3 interventions lasting 30 minutes each.

Suitable for an audience of all ages

Technical Specification


Playing Area

On the route there must be no climbs or descents and the pavement must not be disconnected. The company will also do an inspection before the show.



Electrical Specification

autonomous for electricity


Stage Setup time: 4h ;   Dismountling: 2h ;

Duration1 h e 30 minutes ,with the possibility of being divided into 2/3 interventions lasting 30 minutes each.



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Soc. coop. soc. ONLUS

Sede Legale
Via S.Alberto, 297 – 48123 Ravenna

Sede Operativa
Via Venezia 26 c/o Officine Creative – 48121 Ravenna

+39 392 666 42 11

Credits: KAERU
Per info e preventivi spettacoli

+39 335 5342500 (Mauro Monticelli)
+39 366 6877482 (Andrea Monticelli)

Per prenotare eventi, spettacoli e laboratori

+39 392 6664211

Teatro del Drago è una Compagnia di Teatro di Figura a rilevanza nazionale secondo il Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali – Regione Emilia Romagna e fa parte di UN.I.MA. – Unione Internazionale della Marionetta e A.T.F. – Associazione Teatri di Figura.

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dona il 5×1000

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