The International Festival “Arrivano dal Mare



Always a point of reference for puppetry, the International Festival “Arrivano dal Mare” (They come from the sea!) every year it hosts over fifty companies from all over the world, embracing every technique and artistic expression of the variegated universe of the puppet theater. Puppet traditional shows, marionette, shadows, visual theater, some previews, for children and adults. As well as a rich program of collateral events for both the public and operators in the sector, managing to speak to a wide and transversal audience as evidence of how the puppet theater can combine tradition and contemporaneity with a universal language to tell the present without forgetting the past but this year between the pandemic and the restrictions was an even more undertaking difficult that we at Teatro del Drago have taken as a challenge, both at first with our online version and now with the Second Act, joining many other organizers of reviews and festivals in the area and trying now more than ever to get strength and collaborate for the live show and why the magic never ends.

The Festival, one of the longest-running in Italy, was born in 1975 with the “landings” in Ravenna and Cervia. Since 2015, the Artistic and Organizational Direction has been entrusted to Teatro del Drago / Famiglia d’Arte Monticelli

Soc. coop. soc. ONLUS

Sede Legale
Via S.Alberto, 297 – 48123 Ravenna

Sede Operativa
Via Venezia 26 c/o Officine Creative – 48121 Ravenna

+39 392 666 42 11

Credits: KAERU
Per info e preventivi spettacoli

+39 335 5342500 (Mauro Monticelli)
+39 366 6877482 (Andrea Monticelli)

Per prenotare eventi, spettacoli e laboratori

+39 392 6664211

Teatro del Drago è una Compagnia di Teatro di Figura a rilevanza nazionale secondo il Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali – Regione Emilia Romagna e fa parte di UN.I.MA. – Unione Internazionale della Marionetta e A.T.F. – Associazione Teatri di Figura.

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